

YLAC's Legislative Database proudly holds 100+ pieces of legislation for students to look to as reference for their respective advocacies. YLAC's Civic Opportunity Database contains 150+ local internship opportunities for high school students. Click Here to Register for our Course: Intro to Grassroots Lobbying and Advocacy Work.

On all three levels (national, regional, state/district/territory), staff and members join bi-monthly to write letters in response to local and federal legislation. Our workshops are intended to educate our members on the first, and most easily accessible, form of engaging in the legislative process. Our workshops typically consist of a half an hour or more of discussion on each piece of legislation prior to our writing efforts.

US State-Specific Civics Course

Tailored for grades 5-8 and 9-12, our 43+ state-specific courses can be accessed here for free! Register for our course to learn more about your state's government structure and the upcoming primary election!

Nation-Specific Civics Course

Tailored for grades 5-8 and 9-12, YLAC has partnered with the Zambian National Charity Center for Child and Youth Development to provide a free civics course to the Fortune School of Excellence, serving 2000+ studetns

Government Official-Youth Conferences

All YLAC members and staff are welcome to join in our conferences focused on allowing youth to directly engage with their legislators. State-level conferences primarily focus on connecting youth with local government officials (educators, representatives, mayors, etc.) while regional conferences tend to focus on connecting youth with congressmen from states in the region. YLAC's national conferences engage youth across the country with a variety of speakers, ranging from advocacy leaders to congressmen, even governors and other state leaders.

Youth Voter Campaign

We are committed to providing our chapters and their members with resources to encourage youth to register to vote and show up at the polls on election day. Be sure to check out the resources page on our website to learn more about voter registration and pre-registration requirements in the different states, as well as info on mail-in ballots and more! Also stay tuned for our upcoming legislative action database, providing a nation-wide listing of campaigning and legislative opportunities available for youth.